What we offer
We offer a variety of services such as:
Welcome to Country
Welcome to Country has been performed all over Australia for 10’s of thousands of years by the Aboriginal Tribes. No tribes where aloud to go on to any other tribe’s land unless they were invited. If they went onto someone else’s land without permission, they would be speared or put to death it was about having respect for the land and having respect for the tribe that lives on that land.
Culture Tours on Darumbal Land
Culture tours can take place at several places around the Darumbal land such as... One of the main places is Mt Archer but the Darumbal call it Nurima. Nurima over looks a great part of the Darumbal land. On top of Nurima have a great deal of native plants and wildlife which is a beauty to see. On this tour you will hear dreamtime stories about the stars, mountains and our great Fitzroy river which we call Tunba.
Wuru Dance Troupe
The Wuru dance troupe have been preforming for over 10 years on Darumbal land they have danced over a thousand times at different venues. The word wuru is a Darumbal word meaning young boys.
Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training: Schools
Culture Awareness Training is available for all students from Kindergarten to Yr 12, As well as all teachers. We can do traditional games as well as songs, dancers and dreamtime stories. We will talk about the Darumbal boundaries and Darumbal history. We will talk about removal of the Indigenous people from the Land, hunting, fishing, making tools, the use of fire and how important it was for the Indigenous people.
Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training: Businesses
We offer Culture Awareness Training to all businesses. We will start the session with a Welcome to Country and a Traditional Welcome to Country dance. We will then cover the topics of the boundaries of the Darumbal Land, the Darumbal history, the removal of the Indigenous people from the land, hunting, fishing, making tools, the use of fire and how important it was for the Indigenous people.
Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training: Frenchville Sports Club Sessions
We hold Culture Awareness Training sessions at the Frenchville Sports Club every second month. Morning tea, Lunch and Afternoon tea will be provided. This training is open to everyone, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, businesses, non-profit organisations, government departments, schools, universities, TAFE colleges, hospital staff, sporting clubs, individuals etc.
Smoking Ceremony
Smoking Ceremonies have been preformed for thousands of year by the aboriginal people all over Australia. The smoke gets ride of bad spirits. It also gets rid of any bad vibes and brings in the good vibes.
Traditional Aboriginal Games
the traditional games we offer are spear and boomerang throwing. Traditional games have been played in the aboriginal tribes for tens of thousands of years. The games are played to help the in each trip to improve their skills at throwing spears, throwing boomerangs and other weapons.
Didgeridoo Performances
The indigenous people use the didgeridoo is used for cultural ceremonies. It is only to be played by the men. It is originated up north in the NT, and throughout time it made its way down.